Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Art Of Working In A Team

Working in a team takes an extraordinary skill of its own. Whether it be being mindful of your co-workers and seamlessly working in correlation with your team or trying in with the team, either way, working in a team is a huge step towards working in a corporate world. So how do you go about making adequate progress in a team environment? Here are ways you can effortlessly make your presence felt in the team.

A. Communicate

Communication is an essential key in every environment, more so when you are working in a team in a workplace setting. Maybe you are having a casual chat with a fellow team member or possibly having an impromptu meeting with all your teammates; either way, make sure your voice is heard. Speak up if you have doubt or a suggestion to give, or simply agree with a member’s opinion if you feel it is right. Speaking up will help you ease in with the group you are in and will also contribute to getting the message across, which could assist in avoiding some major pitfalls or errors in the project.

B. Be A Consistent Performer

Showing up on time to a meeting is good, but that alone will not help in getting the job done, you will need to show an equal amount of consistent performance on your task. Meet your due date on time and work consistently every day and make sure you make a good amount of progress in the project on a frequent basis. By working towards your assigned goal in a consistent fashion, you make it easier for your teammates to progress on as well.

C. Think On Your Feet

Quick and precise are the real kings of the corporate realm when it comes to delivering a product or service. When working on a project, you are bound to come across some hiccup or mishap along the way. Instead of playing the blame game, be quick and think of a solution to the issue and work towards fixing the errors and progressing ahead. Be a problem solver, not a problem dweller.

D. Show Respect

Your teammates are people too! Underneath the “co-worker” “office colleague” and “teammate” tag, they are ordinary citizens as well. Irrespective, it is a courtesy to treat your fellow members in a respectable manner. The office scenario is all about people skills and working under pressure. Treating them in an honest fashion makes it easier for you to work with and also creates a healthy work environment.
Working in a team is easier sometimes as you have other fellow workers with whom you share the workload with and it also makes for some good memory, so enjoy your time in the team but make sure you give it your best!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Today's Scenario Of Skills And Jobs

We have at least one person, who is either jobless (despite trying) or not performing well at work or frequently changing his job. This blog is especially for them.

Let’s understand Today's Scenario of Skills and Jobs 

(With the Help of the Story)

There were 3 friends a lion, a rabbit and a bear in a dense forest. They needed to struggle in their own way to feed themselves. Rabbit’s process to get food was easy, just look out for carrots, pull them out of the ground and eat it. Lion’s process was a bit hard. He needed to search for animals (not that rabbit, he’s a friend) follow them up and hunt them down. Then he can eat them. Bear’s process to get food was very hard. He needed search for bee hives, then climb a tree with his huge weight and with all those bee stung, taking out honey and then finally eating it.
One day, bear and lion thought of going with a rabbit for food (opting easiest mode). All 3 friends were eating carrots now.

After few days, the lion was irritated by not getting the food he likes, same with the bear, he was in same frustration. So, they went back to their own places they belong, did what gives them the food they like (even though it is hard to do) to get the true satisfaction.

The youth of today, striving hard to get placed in MNC without knowing what the job is. Not knowing what they like, not even understanding the fact that not everyone was born to work in same way. Different kinds of people get satisfaction from a different kind of work they do. Now imagine yourself as bear and your friend as a rabbit. Hearing about his nature of the job (which was easy) you opted for it but due to lack of job satisfaction, you got frustrated, stressed and finally, you quit. Then you began to think I am not worthy of the job. No, the job was not appropriate for you, moreover, you were not skilled for that.

This is what’s happening in today’s time.

1. People are not satisfied with the job
2. Today’s youth think that working in Mnc’s is great (actually yes if you like it)
3. Scared to explore different careers
4. Failing to acquire right skills.

The process should be

4. Acquire right skills
3. Explore new careers
2. Get a job (in MNC or any company)
1. Achieve job satisfaction (or move on if you didn’t find)
We at Venolearn strive hard to enhance the skills of the talented youth with various professional courses based on their interest.